Consular judge
The consular judge is a judge who is not a professional judge and who sits in the Commercial Court next to a professional judge.
The consular judges have the particularity of not being judges by profession. In fact, they come from commercial and/or financial enterprises. As a general rule, they are appointed for a period of five years by the King, on the joint proposal of the Ministers for Justice, Economic Affairs, and SMEs and the Self-Employed.
The consular judges are appointed to assist the professional judges by contributing their knowledge of the economy. Each Chamber of the Commercial Court is, moreover, made up of a professional judge and two consular judges. The vote of the consular judges is accorded as much importance and weight as that of the professional judge hearing a case. Decisions are thus taken by consensus. If it should so happen that consensus is not reached, the rule of simple majority is observed. (Two votes to one)
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